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Our Story

Our Story

begins with United by faith and driven by a desire to make a difference

Once upon a time, in a world filled with challenges and struggles, a young couple felt a calling deep within their hearts. United by their faith and driven by a desire to make a difference, they embarked on a journey to establish Word2all Foundation that would bring hope, compassion, and the love of God to people in need in India around and beyond.
With unwavering determination and boundless faith, they established Word2all Foundation. Guided by the principles of love, compassion, and integrity, they set out to make a tangible difference in the lives of those they encountered.
We realized that the Christian translation plays a vital role in ensuring that the message of the Gospel reaches people in their native languages. Word2all Christian Translation Services has had a profound impact on bridging cultural and linguistic barriers, bringing the message of Christianity to diverse communities across the country. Through meticulous translation efforts, the Bible and other Christian literature have been made accessible to people in their native languages, allowing them to connect with the teachings and values of the faith on a deeper level and empowering individuals to live out their faith in culturally relevant ways. Christian translation in India has not only enriched the lives of believers but also contributed to the cultural diversity and harmony of the nation, promoting a spirit of understanding, respect, and unity among people of different backgrounds.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the assistance provided to pastors has been crucial in helping them navigate the unprecedented challenges they faced, including financial strain, emotional support, and resources for adapting to virtual ministry. Such help has not only preserved the well-being of pastors but also ensured their continued ability to serve their congregations and communities during this time of crisis.
But our mission extended beyond tangible needs. Recognizing the profound impact of education and empowerment, we established schools, vocational training centers, and mentorship programs. We believed that education equips individuals with the tools to rise above adversity and empowers them to become agents of change within their own communities.
Inspired by our faith, we also shared the message of God's love and grace.
We conducted evangelistic campaigns, Bible studies, and discipleship programs, helping individuals discover their own spiritual journeys and experience the transformative power of God's love.
As the years passed, Word2all Foundation continued to expand its reach, touching lives in far-flung corners of the globe. We embraced technology and social media, leveraging these tools to connect with a wider audience and spread the message of love and faith. We established partnerships with like-minded organizations and individuals, recognizing the power of collaboration in bringing about lasting change.
Through it all, our mission remained steadfast: to be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing light to the darkest places, and restoring hope where it had been lost. We witnessed lives transformed, communities revitalized, and individuals finding purpose and meaning in the midst of despair.
Our story continues to be written, with each new chapter representing an opportunity to extend God's love and grace to those who need it most. We invite you to join us, to be a part of Word2all Foundation, and to play a role in shaping a world where love and compassion prevail, where faith is a guiding light, and where lives are forever changed for the better. Together, we can make a difference, one act of kindness at a time.
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